Enrolling in eStatments | Step by Step Directions
Enrolling in eStatments | Step by Step Directions

1. Enroll in Online Banking if you haven't already. Visit us at any of our banking centers for assistance.

2. Log In to Online Banking from a web browser. (You cannot enroll in eStatements using the mobile app.) Enter your username in all lowercase, and use the password you set up when you enrolled. 

3. Click on the 3 lines above ALL and click the arrow next to "Accounts."

4. Select eDocuments.

5. Read the disclosure notice and retrieve the confirmation code at the bottom of the document. 

6. Enter the confirmation code in the code box and click "Continue."

7. Verify that your email address is displaying correctly and click "Accept" if so. If not, click "Decline."

8. That's all. You're enrolled. Click on the eStatements link beneath the Documents heading to retrieve your statements. 

Need a visual? View step-by-step directions with screenshots.

If you experience any issues after completing the steps above, please contact your local banking center so we may assist you. 

Contact information for each of our banking centers may be found on our website at www.wsbks.com/locations.